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Neil Gaiman


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riverwhite0140 : 我腦內轉換成孕夫
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Results for good omens

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Pentagram Harness
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Fuck Yeah Good Omens


mind how you go源自泰瑞
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David Tennant’s favourite Crowley style

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Fuck Yeah Good Omens

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Neil Gaiman

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How Good Omens' costume designer dressed the sho...


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Neil Gaiman Says No to Adapting His Own Books—Except...


Michael Sheen has been a friend of mine for almost a decade. Originally, I had this idea that he could be Crowley. But the further into it I got, the more I started thinking, "Well… what I respond to in Michael is his goodness, and his sweetness of character."
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And then he mentioned, "Of course, you’d have to make all of the characters white." And I went, "But all of the characters in Anansi Boys are black." And he was like, "Yeah, but black people don’t watch fantasy movies." And I ended the conversation at that point, and did not sell him the book.

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And the art department couldn't get them ugly enough. Eventually, the production designer, the amazing Michael Ralph did possibly the most sensible thing that he could have ever done, which was to ask the youngest art department intern to do them and tell him that we encourage the use of lots of different fonts, and Comic Sans wherever possible.
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And we got these very badly designed posters, and they were exactly what we wanted. De-motivational posters with messages on them like, ‘Don’t lick the walls.’ And, ‘Clean up after yourself. Your mother doesn’t work here. You don’t have a mother.’
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Carnaby Street in the Swingin '60s
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Fuck Yeah Good Omens
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Neil Gaiman Made Good Omens a Show Terry Pratchett W...
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At the heart of Good Omens is a platonic love affair between two blokes, the demon Crowley and the angel Aziraphale
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He plays Crowley with a lithe gait, a 1970s-rocker personal style and a gracefully offhand attitude – what happens to Adam and Eve strikes him as a bit harsh “for a first offence”; he notes that he didn’t fall so much as “just sauntered vaguely downwards”
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Michael Sheen brings a buoyant innocence to Aziraphale, who starts off as a “young Conservative” type, before developing some doubts about his own side.
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Neil Gaiman
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Fuck Yeah Good Omens
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Fuck Yeah Good Omens
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Fuck Yeah Good Omens
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Amazon Prime Video US on Twitter

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Episode three opens with “the longest cold open in the history of television,” according to David Tennant

How is Amazon's Good Omens TV show different fro...

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Good Omens: David Tennant reveals why Crowley has gi...
Tennant said: “It wasn’t in the book, but red seemed quite appealing as he’s from the flames. There’s also a part of me as an actor who likes to transform.”
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Just about every scene I have it's Michael and I staring at each other and that could have been a grim experience over the six months of the shoot if he hadn't been such a joy to be around.”

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Fuck Yeah Good Omens
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In the book it says “Contrary to popular belief, the wings of demons are the same as the wings of angels, although they’re often better groomed.” It doesn’t talk about feather colour, so I think anyone could argue their position with enthusiasm on the matter of wing feathers.
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On TV, Aziraphale’s wings are white and beautiful, and Crowley’s are grey and a bit ragged.
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因此,我們的天使(除了 Aziraphale)穿著非常好very smartly dressed,而我們的惡魔(除了克勞利)很破爛。
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And it was probably unfair to describe Crowley’s wings as “ragged”. They just aren’t as pretty as Aziraphale’s wings, probably because Crowley is a lot less interested in wings than he is in things like Bentleys or clothes.
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‘My father says there’s no such thing as witches,’
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Neil Gaiman
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克羅理從來沒想過運動,除非他有時候得意地想到自己將這變為人類某種自我折磨方式。And he is as fit as any demonic former snake could possibly be.
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Aziraphale is probably a bit worried about getting out of shape and putting on a few extra pounds, and would consider miracling the weight off and the muscles in as cheating. I cannot imagine him in exercise clothes though, even though I just tried very hard.
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“We clung to each other,” Sheen said. “In a universe that has so much crazy stuff going on, but in the middle of it is two beings who are being very very human. … No one else knows what it was like to be on Earth since the Garden of Eden.”
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“It was definitely one of the most enjoyable parts of filming for me,” Sheen said. “First just reading it on the page, it was incredibly satisfying there, and you think, ‘Well, I can’t wait for us to do this.’ And then to see David walking out of the trailer every day with different hairstyles, that was so enjoyable for me.”
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伊甸園–公元前 4004 年
美索不達米亞–公​​元前 3004 年
羅馬– 8 年
後威塞克斯王國–公元 537 年
環球劇院,倫敦– 1601 年
巴黎– 1793 年
聖詹姆斯公園,倫敦– 1862 年
倫敦– 1941 年
蘇豪區,倫敦– 1967 年
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Good Omens, BBC/Amazon
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"There's a special bond between them because no one else knows what it's like to be on Earth as supernatural beings," says Tennant. "Even if they're supposed to be working for different teams, they just start to knock the edges off each other."
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Neil: Crowley actually is really smart and he’s the same character. He goes through, you know, an awful lot, but he’s the same person at the beginning on the wall at the Garden of Eden as he really is at the end of the story.
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Aziraphale actually has to change. He’s like somebody who for years has just been such part of a group, part of a political party, part of something that he kind of believes and trusts, and now he’s starting to realize that actually that… we fucked… he actually has much more painful journey. He makes more mistakes.
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Crowley knows how appaling Hell is, so that never really changes for him, and he knows that he likes being on Earth. He is against the Armageddon from the word go. He thinks the world is great and is comfortable and it has restaurants and wine;
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it has a few strange things, you know, he’s never been able to get anything other that The Best of Queen to play in a radio.
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It’s a great place to be. Aziraphale kind of knows that, but he also believes that they Heaven and Gabriel, they kind of know what they’re doing - don’t they? So he’s the one that goes through the journey.
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Interviewer: Crowley has lived a life of bravery. I mean, if it’s a metaphor for a human existence, he’s the guy who put himself out there, he’s fallen down, he’s got back up, he knows what it feels like to be alive.
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Aziraphale’s lived a very guarded life and as a result he fears, you know, with the good and the bad so he really is a metaphor for the rest of us trying to figure out who we are.
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David: Yes, ‘cause Crowley was once an angel too, remember. He’s an angel who fell from grace, so he knows he’s amongst wankers to begin with. It is really about… dealing and surviving and if only he could make the scales fall from his mate’s eyes they’d be in a much better position.
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Neil Gaiman