Mad Larkin
Are the Toynbee tiles a thing outside NYC?
Mad Larkin
I was thinking about them earlier, and then I saw one at Union Square
I had to google was this was. (Lifelong westerner here.)
Mad Larkin
They're very weird tiles that show up in the street and on the sidewalk
Mad Larkin
As far as I know, there's no real idea of who is doing it or hoe
Mad Larkin
i listened to a podcast about it once! a lot of the ones here in nyc are copycats and not the originals, i believe those popped up in the early 90s or late 80s
and i feel like they're in a few other major cities as well but i could be totally mistaken
i used to see them all the time when i worked in chelsea and occasionally still notice them when walking in manhattan
Mad Larkin
That's cool! I've mostly seen them in Lower Manhattan