fat cat
there are many people on tdm i want to hit up but i should not bite more than i can chew... what is even the etiquette these days
fat cat
should i ask people before tagging them? should i only use the character i want to app?
fat cat
tdms are considered free for alls- u can tag with whoever you'd like, even if you haven't reserved to the game!
as for asking ppl before tagging- i typically only do so if they're from the same canon as myself as i have to be mindful of spoilers or for some similar reason... otherwise i tag whoever
fat cat
would it be considered rude if i am seen tagging many people when i have not yet proven that i can handle this many would people think i am prioritizing quantity over quality
fat cat
i do realize i am overreacting but i cant help it, even when i was not playing anywhere i used to frequent wankgate and thats where my mental image of rp community comes from
i don't think it'd be considered rude- if you happen to slow down on tags because it becomes too much you can always communicate with the player about your tardiness- i know aef is a very chill game in regards to backtagging and most ppl will agree to thread with you on another occasion
and honestly i'm not even sure why wankgate is still a thing, other than ppl get bored and i guess their first impulse is to talk badly about others lol it's very strange