Why is Harry Potter an interesting protagonist? He used Expelliarmus against Avadakedavra. Where and how he got the courage to do that, and why it became such a reflex is worth studying. Another point that interests me is that out of all the fiction novels I have read, he is one of the minorities who changed their lovers as the story takes place.
Maybe I haven't read much, but a protagonist with a love story of this kind of a plot is not common at all. Last time I read the books was almost seven years ago, memories have started to fade....... If I ever get the time to read them once more, I believe there are more points of discussion waiting for me to discover.
tbh though, the character that interests me the most from the books is Severus Snape, and i believe everyone understands why. if there's anyone out there who doesnt understand, i will fight *cough i can write an essay 'bout the topic to educate that anyone.
Oh this got me both hands up agreeing with you.
回台灣發現太多人都沒看過 就放棄了:3
He used Expelliarmus against Avadakedavra. Where and how he got the courage to do that, and why it became such a reflex is worth studying.
Another point that interests me is that out of all the fiction novels I have read, he is one of the minorities who changed their lovers as the story takes place.
我也因為很多人沒看過哈利波特而受到文化衝擊(?)過Last time I read the books was almost seven years ago, memories have started to fade....... If I ever get the time to read them once more, I believe there are more points of discussion waiting for me to discover.
if there's anyone out there who doesnt understand, i will fight *cough
i can write an essay 'bout the topic to educate that anyone.
其實J.K. Rowling一開始是打算寫成悲劇的(HP被殺) 但後來這系列太紅就改變主意了ˊˇˋ在國外的時候有一群好友都是奇幻小說愛好者xD 各自看過很多小說 共通點都是超愛HP
然後當Hermione想要辦個工會(還是什麼?)的時候 Weasley兄弟漠不關心甚至有些嘲諷 可以看到特權階級(舊貴族?我忘記當時看到的是用什麼詞形容)對於勞工議題的態度
傳統的巫師家族對於家庭小精靈的存在已經習慣並當作理所當然 而Hermione是一個Muggle-born 對這種現象非常不能接受xD
有人去查了那些材料代表的意義 有「思念」、「母親」之類的(有點忘記細節
y u do dis to me??
那種小細節真的是不查不會知道 查了就