State of the CC -- In MA! I haz a new laptop! old one is melting and so fucking hot :V I haz pizza but as with laptop: not the capacity to set it up ayyyyyy
for some reason my phone won't charge while plugged into laptop [old] so I gotta go... get it. And go back to bed. And get night meds. also my lymph system is trying to murder me. holy cow
I thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink?????????????????????????????????? I may have semi-successfully explained the hardest parts of my Economic upgrade to my Dad???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
it did devolve into hours of fighting and yelling like I warned it would because we both get crazy frustrated with our inabilities to properly express what we mean in a way the other can latch on
This was prompted by Moosey telling Jason to talk to me but ironically where Jason was talking about UBI and what he's calling the "fifth estate" [church, nobility, labor, media / people on UBI and or "others" aka: those who buy because automation is inevitable]
"No. You can't artificially portray to me someone else's argument because then I can't tell if I'm progressing and what I said made sense to get there. Stop."
in terms of how other people see things; but that is like the thing I am blind at. I can only trust what people say and/or work through it like math problems; show me step by step where you tripped up so I can see what I explained poorly.
I wonder if I should sleep or try to get pizza and -- no fuck it def. sleep. I cannot get my body to move enough to get in the car again even for pokemon XDDD
I was discussing this with my brothers when I was down in Texas, so it's been on my mind, because they came at it from different angles than I'd considered before (which is why discussion with a lot of people is important!!!!)
yes you have pets, but service dogs are also more stable and happy, not just because of training, but because they are satisfied to be doing something that helps and gives that feeling of accomplishment
one of the training things for dogs that mess up a whole neighborhood is to take them around and do a St. Bernard thing, of having them bring water bottles and things to people
I don't quite follow how this addresses the ground-level argument that making labor a requisite for basic living conditions is inconsistent with a post-scarcity society >_>
you are automatically guaranteed housing, food, etc. because you are automatically part of humanity and generate data and it's necessary to incorporate that data and etc.
sorry I'm puzzled because it sounds like you said the same thing I said, but added "but that's OK because you pay by contributing to national statistics" XD
I mean ther'es more into it, but you aren't forced to create labor period. the problem is we still need to reform what we acknowledge as useful and "labor" to society like
the difference between a high-quality LP and a professional critic's review is that the LP may be totally unpaid but actually shows you the game through the lens of someone who demonstrably knows what they're talking about
I still hold that in full post-scarcity circumstances, an economy that mandates labor is problematic at best, butI mean it usually ends up requiring fascism in extreme cases, butalthough monetization means less good LPs are unpaid, but