Tom Payne: I followed many different avenues — one in particular was the podcast Happy Face, concerning the daughter of a serial killer and her journey into her father's deeds and how she deals with them.
Michael Sheen: The work I did on a project I was going to direct that's been put off for now, based on [Washington state's] Green River Killer. I wrote the script myself.
拍攝劇組給你的最好建議 Michael Sheen: I'll tell you what was very useful: The person who locks and unlocks my handcuffs told me how to hold my hands and wrists while wearing them so they don't hurt too much when I'm talking.
繼昨天蓋曼的轉推文章中說蓋曼堅持他們的關係是友誼,他在推特被問到這段時,再次重申好預兆是天使與惡魔之間的love story。
Tom Payne: When was the last time Malcolm saw his dad?
Michael Sheen: Martin says he loves his son. Is that even possible for someone who is what he is?
Tom Payne: Like a moth to a flame. Malcolm cannot escape his father's DNA. He has his blood. What else of his has been passed on?
Michael Sheen: It's sort of a cat-and-mouse game, but you're never quite sure who is the cat and who's the mouse. That changes constantly.
Tom Payne: I followed many different avenues — one in particular was the podcast Happy Face, concerning the daughter of a serial killer and her journey into her father's deeds and how she deals with them.
Michael Sheen: I'll tell you what was very useful: The person who locks and unlocks my handcuffs told me how to hold my hands and wrists while wearing them so they don't hurt too much when I'm talking.
I think so. Although it’s a celestial/infernal building.