your personality's defined by what you call your favorite line out of all of the choices laid out to you, so pick yourself as word in verse, and as a blessing or a curse, go tag yourself something in hallelujah
I really am so glad to see, this post made anonymously has struck a chord with quite so many of you, it might not be my fav'rite song, but it's in Shrek - it can't be wrong, to love this tune that's titled hallelujah
I fancy the original, myself. XD I am Lame. (OOH, also, the Canadian Tenors had a good take on it. Also there is One female-vocal cover I swear by, but I keep forgetting her name. .-.)
the cobra came to pick a fight, they may be wrong they may be right, but either way I had to do it to ya, my curtain call will have its time, but I'm not sorry for the crime, of reviving this earworm - Hallelujah
(of course, before I got to the lyric block there... my mind went to the Hallelujah Chorus, and I was just like... '...but there's really no lyrics to... OOOOH' c_c; ^.^; )
I'm glad to see this post preserved, with all it's rhyme and rhythmic word, since tumblr's been so thoroughly yahooha'd. for now we cap the content there, to redistribute fair and square, these awful lines they've made for halleluja
i must say, i love this plurk, all of you have done good work. cohen himself would have to hand it to ya. perhaps it's silly, or maybe dumb, but i'm glad so many have come for bonding as we all sing hallelujah!
this song is now suck in my head it will be there until I'm dead and you just say, "I had to do it to ya" I need another catchy song so I can stop trying to sing along to every fucking verse of Hallelujah
I'm here so blocks can be arranged, I know that you may find it strange, they fall from up above and down on to ya, I take the blocks and spin them round, until they fit into the ground, like hand in glove, a tetris hallelujah
I am Lame.
(OOH, also, the Canadian Tenors had a good take on it. Also there is One female-vocal cover I swear by, but I keep forgetting her name. .-.)
of course, before I got to the lyric block there... my mind went to the Hallelujah Chorus, and I was just like... '...but there's really no lyrics to... OOOOH'c_c; ^.^; )but all i ever learned from love
is how to shoot somebody
it will be there until I'm dead
and you just say, "I had to do it to ya"
I need another catchy song
so I can stop trying to sing along
to every fucking verse of Hallelujah