A new survey shows what really interests 'pro-lifers...
Not that this should surprise anyone.
I’m soooo surprised.
So much suprises much unexpected
Not pro-life, pro-misogyny. They're too busy hating to love their neighbours.
I suspect 0.0001% of pro-fifers read The Guardian
We're talking about them in front of their backs.
For reasons that I'm not entirely happy about, I have a lot of "pro-lifers" in my life, nearly all of them women. They believe abortion to be the murdering of babies. It doesn't matter how misguided we think that is, that is what they believe.
When the issue is framed as being about murdering babies or an alternative, then pretty much any alternative is preferable to them.
We approach this issue as one about women's autonomy. They approach it as the defense of babies' lives. This difference in views (which may be irreconcilable) means that we cannot have conversations of any meaning or substance about this issue.
Each side is so eager to vilify the other that neither will even consider that there may be a valid point of view over there. It's depressing.
It is depressing, because so many of them - probably not the women in your life - are willing to sacrifice the mother for the fetus, and then abandon the support of the child once ke is born. And they don't see this inherent contradiction.
Truth. They harass the women outside the clinics but can't be bothered to care about what happens when the baby's born. It seems to be more about taking power over the women's bodies.