"Why so obsessed with sci-fi? It's hard to be inspired to write stories about the 'real' world when you've never felt free in it. Science fiction said imagine anything in its place. And so we did."
如果不是聽到被砍的消息,我本來沒有要看第二季......因為第一季的收尾對我來說是標準的開放性結局了。不過第二季簡直一個 mind-fuck (in a splendid way),看得我下巴掉下來,不管編劇嗑了什麼真的讓觀眾也跟著來一點了XDDD 娛樂性竟也比第一季好得太多(畢竟第一季有一半時間都在地下室或黑漆漆的空屋)
It's hard to be inspired to write stories about the 'real' world when you've never felt free in it. Science fiction said imagine anything in its place. And so we did."