The Write Stuff
[meme] Five unpopular opinions?
The Write Stuff
1) As much praise as Batman the Animated Series gets, it really bothers me they brought Freeze back after Subzero. I suspect it was a corporate decision but that was such a perfect end for that character.
The Write Stuff
2) On that note... Subzero is the best Batman movie. Mask of the Phantasm is the best theatrical movie.
The Write Stuff
We watched a video on Phantasm last night so it’s top of mind.
The Write Stuff
3) I’d be perfectly happy if the MCU never had another big crossover event like Infinity War. It takes away from character stories.
The Write Stuff
4) While I have a ton of issues with Sword Art Online, I don’t think if deserves the level of hate it gets, particularly when some series still have leads whose casual sexual harassment is treated as a wacky character trait.
The Write Stuff
5) Forget pineapple, APPLE on pizza is amazing with the right complimentary toppings.