colorful bunch
[owl] ...ah, something I hadn't considered with 2-2-2
colorful bunch
that we're probably gonna see more tracer
★ тяу-нαя∂уи
i'm already tracer,
colorful bunch
colorful bunch
the only think I like about tracer is that she's a ragingly canon lesbian
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colorful bunch
do not like
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colorful bunch
I don't think she's an interesting character. I don't think she's interesting to watch. she's frustrating to play against. and I have yet to figure out how people use her effectively which is on me that's a personal frustration
colorful bunch
but I hate getting eliminated by a tracer from behind and when I try the same things I do nnnnnothing bc her guns do diddlysquat damage
colorful bunch
okay that's not true, I also like the fact that Rampant Science has made her unstuck in time bc that's fun as a story
colorful bunch
even if I find it more fun in theory than in practice
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colorful bunch
but hey we're gonna get sigma end of august going into playoffs and play ins so that might be an indication of when we're gonna get him released
colorful bunch
(hi I hate the entire premise of role locking and I hate the idea of forcing the meta to change when the meta naturally changes and was clearly changing through the previous stage and if it's implemented in quick play I will stop playing QP because I find the idea offensive to introduce to casual players (but I also don't QP often so))
colorful bunch
uuuuuuuugh tracer
colorful bunch
at least mccree's something relatively different but man you know what I wanna see? I wanna see ashe
colorful bunch
and fuck if we're gonna force dps on teams we might as well have fun with it. let's start getting turrets aplenty
colorful bunch
I know we've only just started and this forced meta is going to evolve as we go but I feel like going 'no more goats' made a finger of the monkey paw curl if the new meta is going to be orisa double sniper
colorful bunch
see seoul/shock is already interesting!! lookit fits' reaper. also always a fan of moira in pro play