duck bastard
[kickvic] continuing from my previous plurks and gathering various links in here because wow that other one got huge
duck bastard
for those keeping track, one of the main lawyer guys on twitter who's not involved but keeping track is one Greg Doucette, and his enormous thread is here
duck bastard
doucette does a decently good job of answering questions people have for him, explaining some stuff, and just bothering the shit out of vicstans who try to come after him
duck bastard
so if you want to see them get messed with but don't have the energy for it, good news, he's doing god's work on his end
duck bastard
a snippet from another plurk of one of vic's lawyers embarrassing himself in front of the judge
duck bastard
part of the transcript from a june 19th livestream
duck bastard
vic admitting he doesn't care if his fans get fleeced by that shitty gofundme
duck bastard
duck bastard
link to the initial pdf of the depo that was released, although it was just being used by monica's side to prove this was a shitty sueing attempt
duck bastard
duck bastard
more screencaps from the depo
duck bastard
duck bastard
duck bastard
duck bastard
duck bastard
duck bastard
how we all feel
duck bastard
duck bastard
another twitter lawyer following along
duck bastard
(iirc, this is a guy who vicstans tried to doxx with info on his kids, so, stay classy vicstans)
duck bastard
duck bastard
duck bastard
duck bastard
Further commmentary from second twitter lawyer
Cookie Politics
omg, the Threadnought is referenced by name in the legal documents
duck bastard
ah no it was a different lawyer that got doxxed, and his twitter is locked up
Revenge Guac
Doucette gleefully breaking Twitter is the best
duck bastard
a guy writing about how he was included in the depo and calling out some things that may nto add up
duck bastard
duck bastard
vic shooting himself in the foot even though no one told him on an entirely unrelated matter
duck bastard
video on a creepy thing vic tried to do with a pair of sisters
duck bastard
every time I come back to this its even more wild
duck bastard
vic admitting to hair bullshit with marchi
duck bastard
duck bastard
initial affadavit leak on doucette's twitter
duck bastard
chuck huber got involved by emailing people saying vic was a sex addict... because that was helping. somehow.
duck bastard
percy admitted he was putting out the videos on the depo
duck bastard
and he might file an "anti anti slapp"
duck bastard
tcpa motion to dismiss is dropped and full of snark in the notes
oh the notes are gold
duck bastard
and finally the huge plurk and the other one
duck bastard
for those who want to see the conversations from there
duck bastard
𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑢𝑠𝑡
i need to see this trashfire
duck bastard
the section on twitter going into the ~shockjock~
Doctor Ansem
W o w
Doctor Ansem
Thanks for compiling all the main points.
duck bastard
miles you ass
I just saw the best exchange on twitter
Vicstan: The judge won't even see the tcpa motion. Nick said they throw out anything over 15 pages.
Nick: I never said that
Nick scrambled to be the first reply to that
why would a judge throw out legal docs to consider in a case
isn't their job to review evidence and stuff
duck bastard
Doctor Ansem
TemporalWolf : Please tell me there is a screen cap of this.
𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕠, 𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕒𝕪
You’re doing the lord’s work by compiling all this THANK YOU
duck bastard
duck bastard
if anyone else has any links or caps, feel free to dump them in here
duck bastard
i'm not doucette levels of compiling but i am here
duck bastard
duck bastard
just lexi.
All I have to say is yikes yikes yikes
Gosh I've been reading some of the exhibit affidavits and its just like, horrifying how out in the open all this was happening without being stopped.
inadequate tits
My Weyard Son
I get the feeling that he's successfully ended his career with the lawsuits alone.
My Weyard Son
Because no one wants to work with someone who might pull that
🎀 𝒩𝒾𝓀𝒾𝓁 🎀
Yeah he's done.
He just won't get the cushy retirement he was hoping for -- and doesn't deserve.
NekoInc, MSPM
Yup... He's done.
Damn. It gets worse every day.
he can still rely on fundamentalists/his family, alas, but he's not gonna get that 'superstardom' he so desperately tried to cultivate and succeeded with for a long while.
get wrecked
duck bastard
it's funny beceause if he'd just shut his fucking mouth and ducked out for a while, none of this would have come to light like it is
duck bastard
so, like, thanks, you entitled white dude motherfuckers
oh yeah I was wondering because suddenly I see people going VicKicksBack over Rial's lying!!!
to be fair I wasn't aware that I watched a YouTube video of a Vic fan until YT recommend me certain videos to me that's more blatant about it
...oh wow. the trainwreck continues
Hazard Kitten
I'm still immensely creeped out by how his mother is so involved with grooming his fanbase
Hazard Kitten
and using them as attack dogs for her son
𝖒𝖚𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖖𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖘
bless you for compiling all this
duck bastard
the other plurk was getting too big lmao so
go тo вread
Hazard Kitten : y-yeaaaah that's the other thing. Who is this lady? Why is she doing this? She'd seem to fit right on /r/entitledparents for sure...
ღ zipper noises
holy shiiiiiiiit
The more about this I read the more I'm convinced its turned into the legal equivalent of a dude holding a lighter and a gas can shouting "HEY GUYS, CHECK THIS OUT!"
★ тяу-нαя∂уи
hold my beer,
I also cannot stress enough how much I love the fact that Greg wandered into this whole thing with "Who is Vic and why does he have an idiot representing him?"
duck bastard
testimonies from his ex
duck bastard
and yeah it's amazing how greg didn't even mean to get involved
duck bastard
and now he's being referenced in legal papers lmao
duck bastard
some creepy ass bullshit on how funi had to restrain vic
duck bastard
note that i'm passing a lot of stuff rom other plurks on my tl i see about this subject, as i am technically at work and can't dig into the whole thing as i'd like
s'all good
I just continue to be amazed at how he thought any of this was going to clear his name
For the same reason that his hardcore fans believe it HAS. Sheer stubborn willpower.
Vic has done everything to aid his opponents short of tying his own noose
If I didn't know better I'd say he was trying to lose everything
What amazes me is that the Vic stans still think he's going to win.
duck bastard
yeah, like.... their understanding of law from anyone not a grifter seems extremely suspect and that's gonna bite em
Thank you for compiling this! Its good to have a resource to look to.
holy shit. "Vic locks" damn
I mean, it makes sense if you remind yourself that a venn diagram of the people who believe Vic's got a slam dunk case here and the people who thought the same about the Honey Badgers is pretty much a circle
honey... badgers...?
MRA gamer people who got kicked out of a con for predictable reasons, The Mary Sue wrote an article about it afterward, and they sued the con for kicking them out because of the article.
Which, again, was published after they were kicked out
(they then hired a disbarred lawyer to represent them in their lawsuit and that also ended predictably)
oooh my god
Cookie Politics
it has been my experience that any group that has "we are a superior people" as a core philosophy is rarely as smart as they think they are
Cookie Politics
MRAs and evangelical Christians included
This isn't the time or the place to discuss Nazi science, but google "World Ice Theory" for a laugh in the same genre
Doctor Ansem
inadequate tits
VIC LOCKS what the fuck
Catgirl Crimes
Thanks for compiling all this info - It's just a giant dumpsterfire at this point
duck bastard
#incorrectviclawsuit quotes, to lighten the grossness and frustration
duck bastard
judge: wait, are you the lawyer for the plaintiff
ty beardlaw: yes
judge: are you sure
★ тяу-нαя∂уи
🎀 𝒩𝒾𝓀𝒾𝓁 🎀
inadequate tits
fsdagdsg i love them all
I'm not sure this is how that format works but I love this anyway
vic: everything I did was consensual. it was sensual, and i did it at a convention
In this piece, the role of Vic Mignona is played by Billy West doing his Zapp Brannigan voice
duck bastard
mike dunford went through the depo to pick out some stuff in a livetweet, for those who want that
"(3) And then after you voluntarily - WITHOUT AN ACTUAL QUESTION, YOU INCOMPARABLE BUFOON - say that they called you and told you it was because VA's came out, the "I don't know if there was direct contact" really doesn't help.

If you didn't know, you shouldn't have sued."
I'm dying
The sad thing is, I'm pretty sure that Vic will be able to fall back on the rabid section of his fanbase and the MRAs who are deeply invested in him being a PERSECUTED MARTYR
Because people who want to believe, against literally all evidence - up to and including the court telling him he's full of shit - that he's totally a good guy and everyone who hates him or has been hurt by him is a FILTHY LIAR are just going to keep denying reality to do so.
People like that don't care what reality actually is, they insist it's the way they want it to be and get mad at anyone who tells them otherwise.
yeep. got into a convo with one of them. She had ...some obvious issues she was in denial about
I'm also gonna make a prediction here: Vic's gonna spiral into being way worse after this
Either he's going to become even more of a creepy predator within his fanbase until he actually gets caught and prosecuted, he's going to start picking up MRA and/or white supremacist talking points(those two groups have a lot of overlap) because they're the ones who are supporting him and telling him he doesn't deserve any of this, or both
Both MRAs and White Supremacists have a lot of overlapping talking points with Evangelical Fundamentalists
Which he already is
Sadly, MRAs and white supremacists are both really good at recruiting shitty men because they'll tell them exactly what they want to hear - namely, that they're perfectly fine the way they are and the world is what's bad
Rama : You know what, you're right
I kind of forgot that about him
WELL he doesn't have far to fall then
But he is gonna get shittier
Someone who's been a gross pedophile and sexual abuser for, what, thirty years??? That's a lot of chances to turn around your behavior and doubling down on it instead
He's certainly never going to get better
But I do think he's going to get quickly and noticeably more shit after this
All I can hope is that he gets caught out and locked away fast when it happens
Hazard Kitten
he's never going to get a job outside of evangelical circles after this mess
Hazard Kitten
he was already on his way out in VA (broly was his high-profile job in years), especially with Gen no longer being in charge of Funi and giving Vic preferential treatment, but this slap suit reveals he's not only a walking lawsuit but vengeful and petty
duck bastard
my faith is a little lower there, but I do think he's super fucking stained himself in the animation community at the very least
Hazard Kitten
yeah, most employers google or check facebook, and Vic's name is gonna be associated with 'hey I creep on teenage girls and have locks specifically meant to keep me out'
Hazard Kitten
which is a huge HR nightmare
Hazard Kitten
Vic Locks Jesus fucking christ
I think "Vic locks" are the most important thing to come out of this
Hazard Kitten
Reminds me of some shit that came out of the Duggars thing that I don't wanna spring on people without warning since it involves child abuse
Hazard Kitten
Plurk needs a spoiler tag function
Yeah, the Vic Locks thing is pretty ?!
like whatever side you're on, why do they need locks in the first place
the locks were new to me and also extremely fucked up and scary
when you have to specifically lock people away from an employee for their safety, maybe you need to. not have that employee.

Is it just me, or do a lot of these great lines, like the "Are you sure?" bit, sound like something straight out of an Ace Attorney case?
nah, see, the locks were infringing on his freedoms and therefore Morally Wrong
★ тяу-нαя∂уи
★ тяу-нαя∂уи
MNK Zoomies
Lolnope, Vic's fanbase is totally not a cult guys. Really.
𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑢𝑠𝑡
logical people ain't to logical
Doctor Ansem
Just gonna drop some choice "words to live by" and comedy
Doctor Ansem
Doctor Ansem
So.... the statements that Chuck Huber drafted for Funi and the victims to agree to to avoid being sued is out and... I feel sick.
Doctor Ansem
I read that. I see Chuck was a piece of trash during that incident.
What is it....
inadequate tits
oh no
Basically for the victims it was "we're sorry this got out of hand Vic isn't that bad"
For Funi: "We've reconsidered and Vic will continue roles he has and in future seasons. Also the GFM money will be matched and quadrupled and given to RAINN"
In short, fuck Chuck Huber
ℓα∂у уєииєfєя
Apologies for the size I'm on mobile atm
What t he fuck
........the part where the defendants supposedly "have done harm to victims of sexual assault by making it more difficult for them to come forward"
by speaking up about times they got assaulted
jesus christ
I mean that sentiment is sorta right for the wrong reasons. Every time someone speaks up Vic's mafia cult springs into gear for some harassment
that's hardly the defendants' fault
𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑢𝑠𝑡
wtf is chuck huber
Huber basically asked victims of sexual assault to publicly state that their cases weren't that serious and that their accusations had harmed real sexual assault victims
that's pretty damn vile
inadequate tits
it's hilarious he thought funi would actually waste half a million trying to get him back
inadequate tits
they've probably already recast him with no issue
inadequate tits
"we've already uninstalled the vic locks off the doors though, huber"
ℓα∂у уєииєfєя
Yeah, I'm glad Funi isn't biting.
ℓα∂у уєииєfєя
Far too often, companies try to hush everything up with no repercussions for the assholes pulling this sort of thing.
Cookie Politics
Funi doesn't need to take him back, even if somehow they loose this case, Texas is an at will state and iirc voice actors aren't permanent staff anyway, it's season by season contract work
Cookie Politics
like, even if he hadn't done anything at all, they are within their rights to not give him any more work
Yeah, and putting that on them is extra scummy of Chuck
Cookie Politics
and incredibly stupid
Doctor Ansem
Chuck should be eating discipline at work for that.
Cookie Politics
anime and games switch around voice actors all the time, Vic isn't special
inadequate tits
most of the time fans OBJECT this sort of shit and the companies still dont care about replacing people when its convenient
inadequate tits
why would they pay to get him back when a huge portion of the fanbase dont want it
Oh Huber. I used to like you. (By “you,” I mean “Hiei and your jokes on the YYH actor commentaries,” bc I never actually knew anything else about you, but I digress.) anyway, is Huber getting a reduction in work off this? I’ve never heard him in anything not FUNi-related while Vic I remember doing work for ADV
ℓα∂у уєииєfєя
I hope so.
duck bastard
duck bastard
106 pages so
duck bastard
a livetweet session from mike dunford on the above
duck bastard
the mn state bar is well aware of rekeita
Yeah, I know Funi already recast one of Vic's roles during the earlier days of this.
has there been any sort of write up explaining what's going on? i know bits and pieces of the story, but there's clearly more happening than i thought (thinking)
duck bastard
mackens which part of the story exactly because there's. a lot lmao.
i was hoping maybe someone had been able to put everything together bc yeah it looks like there's so much...last i knew of was funimation dropping him and Rial and co gearing up to go against him despite his insane fans
duck bastard
okay it may ake me a second to, like.... compile it in my head so that it makes sense in a response lmao
duck bastard
people are free to correct me
duck bastard
But tl;dr: Vic says he's going to gracefully accept Funi's decision to drop him. However, then... I believe it's Rekeita, an infamous ~youtube lawyer~ who once did blackface, he makes a GoFundMe to fund Vic's legal fees to sue Funi, Monica, and a few others for "defamation", which Vic more than happily accepts
duck bastard
the point was to hire Ty Beard, another scummy shit lawyer type
duck bastard
it should be noted that, when he announced his support for this GFM, he said the supposed leftovers would go to notoriously bigoted Salvation Army, but that's a person bit of bitterness on my end
duck bastard
so that riles up his anime fanbase and the misogynistic alt right/gamergater/etc types who've latched onto him because they're also scumbags. meanwhile, everyone else is like " think you're really gonna beat Funi?"
duck bastard
Some time passes, and then some legal transcripts are made public that don't make Vic's side look particularly... good. or professional. or skilled. The most notable one being, iirc, how Ty Beard the lawyer didn't introduce himself until like ten minutes before the initial court meeting was due to end
duck bastard
as someone who works in a courthouse, that's basically incredibly rude and not professional, the judge had assumed he was a client up until that point and not a lawyer
duck bastard
the biggest thing we had for a while was a partially omitted transcript of the deposition that was attached to something the defendants (funi,monica, etc) had filed to prove this case was a SLAPP
I think it was Funi's TCPA/anti-SLAPP motion.
duck bastard
basically, when someone is using the court system not because they have any actual basis for a case, but as a form of harassment. and it's already pretty hard for someone to prove defamation, especially when they're a public figure. you know. like a famous voice actor.
duck bastard
then the whole deposition was leaked, especially because, like.... Vic's team, the youtube laywer, was posting it on his youtube and livestreaming stuff, including the actual video that was filmed in court
duck bastard
and all of it, transcript and video alike, show that Vic is constantly putting his foot in his mouth by admitting to a bunch of stuff. Like he admitted to grabbing another VA's hair and pulling on it. He admitted to hiring sex workers. He refused to admit there might be an issue to kissing underage girls on the face. etc etc
duck bastard
hold on, cat- trying to be on keyboard
duck bastard
hi baby, bibi is trying to talk about a legal case, please.... get off....
One of the kickers being that it was Vic's own lawyer who leaked the full deposition, along with those of Ron Toye and Monica Rial.
Youtube lawyer isn't "officially" involved with the case.
duck bastard
the face of someone who isn't sorry about getting in my way
duck bastard
anyway, yeah, it's a trashfire. the youtube lawyer is trying to claim this is helping, somehow, and lying to a lot of people about how this is totally a sign that Vic will win.... despite Vic admitting he's a public figure and that he doesn't have any actual evidence that funi and the other VAs are responsible for his loss of work
duck bastard
anyway, now we're getting public filings from people like Marchi, the woman whose hair Vic pulled, establishing this as a SLAPP filing and that it should be tossed out because Vic is full of shit
duck bastard
I think that's everything?
oh wow
thanks for writing that up!
Various lawyers on twitter discovered this as well - Greg Doucette's Threadnaught has been going for over forty days by now - and they've been ripping on Vic and his lawyer(s) ever since.
BECOME AS GODS is this from his youtube lawyer? bc wow, it doesn't sound professional at all.
That's his actual lawyer.
duck bastard
yup, beard is one of his lawyers
There's some debate as to whether they're incompetent or grifters; the general consensus seems to be that the answer is "yes."
duck bastard
if you have a lot of time to waste, going through greg doucette's giant threadnought- which has broken Twitter*- is pretty enlightening both on this case and on some legal stuff
This is the same guy who had to be told to stand up to address the court.
duck bastard
like he explains what "malice" would mean in a legal context