Zigzag Stampede
[Work] Coworker: ZZ! I keep messing this thing up! Can you write me instructions?
Me: Sure! /takes an hour to write detailed instructions
Coworker: ZZ. Can you help me with this thing?
Me: Oh no! Were the instructions not clear? What part can I do better?
Coworker: I decided not to bother with them.
Zigzag Stampede
You decided not to bother with them???!?!!?
Zigzag Stampede
Then why did you have me write them???!!?!
This is the point where you don't help them anymore.
Zigzag Stampede
I made them try with them first and they still didn't get the thing right
Zigzag Stampede
Because they skipped sections because they didn't realize it was "important"
yes, because you added that part just to make it look pretty, right?
Zigzag Stampede
So I made them try a third time and they got it now. So my final verdict is that my instructions are just fine
Your instructions are fine. Your coworker is broken
yeah that's just. being a shitty coworker.
Zigzag Stampede
She's usually smarter then this and usually good at following directions so I'm seriously more disappointed than mad right now