「Did amazon acquire the rights to the Silmarillion? Cause without it I feel like they would need it in order to do this.」 然後關於《精靈寶鑽》的版權問題,ummmmmmmm 不知道他們會如何解決
「Call this a trifecta, or threepeat. The Lord of the Rings novels changed literature by introducing high fantasy; the Peter Jackson movies introduced epic cinema, forever altering movies; and now this: epic TV!」 還是有人很樂觀地觀望
「All we Tolkien fans ask is for you to respect the source material and vision that Tolkien has for his works. If you do that, then this could very well become a Television Masterpiece. <3」
「All we Tolkien fans want and ask for is for you to respect the source material and vision that Tolkien had for his world. If you do that, then we will all be excited for this series!!」 大家的起手式都是「我們,托老粉絲要求乜乜乜」,導演表示壓力山大wwwwww
「Please please please keep the essence of his work as it is, as it was perfectly done in the LOTR trilogy. Adapting it to the general modern audience would only ruin it. Please respect Tolkien’s work!」 大家真的很怕
「Just don’t turn it into another run of the mill fantasy series. You have been handed the keys to heaven. Tolkien fans of both books and film will not forgive easily if you get this wrong. No shame in your first research being Mr Jackson’s fine work. Standard set. Good Luck. 」 出現恐嚇性留言(x
「Please don’t overly use CGI. It really takes away from the middle earth feel. That was my only complaint with the Hobbit movies. Lord of the rings used CGI sparingly and let the new Zealand landscape’s beauty do the work. Please have people in prosthetics and makeup.」
我想大家都是這樣 QuQ
然後關於《精靈寶鑽》的版權問題,ummmmmmmm 不知道他們會如何解決
You have been handed the keys to heaven.
Tolkien fans of both books and film will not forgive easily if you get this wrong.
No shame in your first research being Mr Jackson’s fine work.
Standard set. Good Luck. 」
Me too Bro
沒關係 如果拍爛了 我們還有原作可以吃 (消極生命中會永遠出現一坨拍爛了的屎(喂