"For about 30 minutes today, visitors to Cloudflare sites received 502 errors caused by a massive spike in CPU utilization on our network. (...) This was not an attack (as some have speculated)"
"The cause of this outage was deployment of a single misconfigured rule within the Cloudflare Web Application Firewall (WAF) during a routine deployment of new Cloudflare WAF Managed rules.
The intent of these new rules was to improve the blocking of inline JavaScript that is used in attacks."
Cloudflare 官方網誌上的文章:
「今天 (7/2) 造訪 Cloudflare 的人,大約有 30 分鐘會收到 502 錯誤,這是 CPU 使用量飆升所造成 (...) 並非 (如部分推測所言) 是攻擊」
這些新規則加強了對 (用來攻擊的) inline JavaScript 的阻擋。」(抱歉這句我怎麼翻都不順 XDD)
「不幸的是, 其中一個包含了正則表達式的規則,讓我們全世界的機器 CPU 使用量飆升到了 100%」
The intent of these new rules was to improve the blocking of inline JavaScript that is used in attacks."
新增這些新規則的原意是用來阻擋通常被拿來做為攻擊用的 inline JS