T. A. Lowery
Ai haz LibertyCon 32 pics!

T. A. Lowery

T. A. Lowery
1. Cover Art and Illustration for Fiction Books panel w/Amanda Makepeace, Mitch Foust, and Melissa Gay; 2. Newsletter Marketing panel w/Morgan & Russel Newquist of Silver Empire Publishing; 3. Brandy Spraker (LC Chair) and John Harkness (MC); 4. Opening Ceremonies

T. A. Lowery

T. A. Lowery
1. Orvan_Taurus makes a delivery from ACME; 2. Lit. GoH, Sara Hoyt opens said delivery after assuring the audience it isn't ticking; 3. MOOSE AND SQIRREL! (Sara has a very heavy Portuguese accent); 4. Custom Munchkin cards which have been part of the charity auction for the past 3 years.

T. A. Lowery

T. A. Lowery
Sorry for the poor photo quality. Every year, Peter Jackson Games puts chances to be made into a Munchkin card in the LibertyCon charity auction.

T. A. Lowery

T. A. Lowery
1. More of Opening Ceremonies; 2. the view from Authors Alley, Lydia Sherer is making a sale 2 tables from me; 3. Jason Cordova with his back to the camera just outside the Dealer Room, and of course one of the obligatory Kilted Men of LibertyCon facing the camera; 4. Karen "Glittermonster" hawking personal care items for $1/each for charity

T. A. Lowery

T. A. Lowery
1. The HallowCon table (I really wish hotels were in my budget); 2. the MetrothamCon table; 3. I must've moved when I shot this, ConMommy's hubby James making his art; 4. a peak into the tabletop gaming room w/ Infinity Flux's table

T. A. Lowery

T. A. Lowery
1. She also had cow footie PJs and would do a dance if you bought one of her books (sorry, I can't remember her name right off); 2. Magpie Curios haz TIARAS; 3. SEE????; 4. Nifty leather accessories (I misplaced my program book at the con and don't know the name of the dealer

T. A. Lowery

T. A. Lowery
1. Les Johnson, Joseph E. Meany, and his wife; 2. How wicked cool is that? 3. the prize for Best in Show at the Children's Masquerade contest; 4. the winner, Gabbie, as a Steampunk Zombie Hunter

T. A. Lowery

T. A. Lowery
1. after the costume contest; 2. Kaffeklatsch pics, Teresa Howard in the blue shirt, Claire Count in the paisley, Joseph Meaney in the red leather, and his wife dressed as Link; 3. kaffeeklatsch; 4. Tish Groller is barely visible in the far back on the left

T. A. Lowery

T. A. Lowery
1. Kaffeklatsch, Tedd Roberts holding court; 2. Kaffeklatshe; 3. Rish Groller, author and program director at the coffee station in the black shirt; 4. Kaffeklatshce

T. A. Lowery

T. A. Lowery
1. John Harkness' table at the Kaffeklatsche; 2. Gabbie in Doc Osborn's balloon version of a zombie hunter; 3. more of Doc's ballooning; 4. outside lighting screwed me on this shot of David Burkhead and daughter at Authors Alley

T. A. Lowery

T. A. Lowery
1. Doc Osborn in the lab coat and pith helmet; 2. more Author's Alley; 3. A.A. again, Kal Spriggs, Lydia Sherrer, and it looks like Rich Groller on the end

T. A. Lowery
4. David Burkhead

T. A. Lowery

T. A. Lowery
1. Jasmine DiGroot on the left; 2.&3. dang I wish these had turned out clearer; 4. Dealer's room

T. A. Lowery
more later

T. A. Lowery

T. A. Lowery
1. Brandy talking w/ the owner of AB Tales; 2. Never a shortage of book dealers at LC; 3. Guess I'm gonna have to learn how to use audio USB drives, ARTC is no longer putting new recordings on CD; 4. Sara Hoyt's books

T. A. Lowery

T. A. Lowery
1, 2, &3. MOAR TIARAS and other shiny things! 4. an unintended shot of a shadow? on the carpet

T. A. Lowery

T. A. Lowery
1. Autograph table; 2. Chris Kennedy Publishing; 3. the required shirts and buttons; 4. Oakley's Gently Used Books

T. A. Lowery

T. A. Lowery
1. SHARP POINTY THINGS! 2. blurry Jasmine; 3. Spinner's End studios; 4. Closing ceremonies aka "Let's Bitch at Brandy"

T. A. Lowery

T. A. Lowery
Last pic. This first-timer has learned the hard way that once you attend LibertyCon YOU BELONG TO BRANDY. She made him the staff photog.

T. A. Lowery
Corrections Sarah A. Hoyt, not Sara Hoyt; and John Hartness, not Harkness