KEANU: I really would like to do Shakespeare with River. I think we’d have a hoot. We could do A Midsummer Night’s Dream or Romeo and Juliet RIVER: I’ll be Juliet - Interview Magazine, November 1991
“The sudden death of River Phoenix was a shock and sadness greater than I can describe. We co-starred in ‘My Own Private Idaho’ and he was a soulmate, who became intimate and died so quickly. He was the most beautiful friend in the world.
I was sad enough to feel a physical pain. Even now, I always remember River. He always seems to be there in some place of mine.” - Keanu Reeves (Screen Junior Japan, May 1998) 這段話嗚嗚嗚QAQ
“The media hype about the film, Phoenix and Reeves talking positively about the roles and Phoenix rewriting a scene to convey his character’s homosexual love for Keanu Reeves'character did two things.
Firstly showed that the film studios and mainstream demonstrated a latent homophobia, in that, they were surprised a Hollywood actor and teen idol would accept such a role.
Secondly, Phoenix and Reeves taking the roles and believing in the film had set a president for future Hollywood stars and paved the way for Hollywood studios to (nearly fifteen years later) cast two other teen idols, Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal, in Brokeback Mountain (2005).
My Own Private Idaho was able to set a prescient because the casting of Hollywood stars in positively and overtly homosexual roles had not been seen before. In essence it raised the bar for other film makers and actors to step up to. Phoenix had created a character which cross sections of audiences sympathised with or wanted to emulate.”
我們從銀幕上追蹤腦公鬍子的起源,約略是在 2013 年的《浪人47》(47 Ronin) ,一個浪人留鬍子是很正常的,而東方臉孔的李維在《浪人47》裡留起了落腮鬍,看起來的確少去了部分洋氣。但是在浪人求仁得仁之後,看來李維卻沒有把看來很「阿砸」的鬍子剃掉的打算──也許他是不想再被人回想出道時的白淨模樣。
這篇 2008 年就寫的文章是如此精準,因為我們看看廣受歡迎的《捍衛任務》整個三部曲,李維的確一直在飾演一個永遠被打到不成人形的悲情復仇者,這讓觀眾的憐愛與不捨情緒被激發到最高點。」
RIVER: I’ll be Juliet
- Interview Magazine, November 1991
“The media hype about the film, Phoenix and Reeves talking positively about the roles and Phoenix rewriting a scene to convey his character’s homosexual love for Keanu Reeves'character did two things.
River’s Edge (1987)
昨天看50分鐘,今天下午把剩下的看完,果然以前的電影手法,對我這種人是苦手的……看得似懂非懂,想要講清楚仔細的那種乾淨俐落……電影上映年(1991)的基哥27歲,River 21歲,惋惜兩年後就去世了,太早了啊……
男人的一半還是男人:愛達荷囈語 @ 酒釀蜂蜜:火爆、刺激、深刻的評價大全。 :: 痞客邦 ::