Happy Hogswatch
Man - now thinking about flower languages and symbolism, it's fun to kind of picture what flowers best fits characters - so Character flower symbolism?
Happy Hogswatch
Ky Kiske would have Star-of-Bethlehem and Snowdrops, both flowers signifying Hope
Happy Hogswatch
Happy Hogswatch
Happy Hogswatch
Snowdrops can also mean overcoming hardships and consolation
Happy Hogswatch
Sherlock it's cliche but Blue Roses - symbols of mystery and the impossible, and Iris for Valor and Wisdom
Happy Hogswatch
Happy Hogswatch
most blue roses are various shades of lavender unless genetically modified
Happy Hogswatch
https://images.plurk.com/1BKqMIorIa9oGvEewEBDJg.png let's go with a green one since green's kind of his color too