新月是阿拉伯世界也是伊斯蘭教很常見的符號,當然那個符號也引起爭議,不過她是以一個中性態度去看待, It’s political and it’s not political. It’s much more than a crescent moon; it also represents how we all felt. And that’s the way I want to make fashion: I want to engage.” ——
“There are people who think the print is quite radical, and there are others who don’t know anything about politics and think it’s just cute. And this is exactly what I love.”
畢業展作品「Radical Call for Love」,是因應2016年比利時布魯塞爾恐攻和巴黎尼斯恐攻而設計的,將阿拉伯的服飾風格與運動裝融合,暗喻當時法國的社會狀況。
It’s political and it’s not political. It’s much more than a crescent moon; it also represents how we all felt. And that’s the way I want to make fashion: I want to engage.”