[chinese] do you ever think about 混沌 vs 馄饨
by which i mean, no i have no idea what that says BUT IM CURIOUS what is the difference?? they look alike !
the first (hundun) means Primal Chaos, or the formless mass that existed before all of creation! super mysterious!
the other (huntun) means wontons, which is funny because i always pronounced it hundun...maybe that's another nanjing dialect thing
aaaaah THAT. YAH THAT"S like waaaaay too different things. really interesting tho
d'you think people get the two confused often, when people say it? like... i imagine it could be used for a set up for puns or something
eat the chaos
honestly you're far more likely to hear the second than the first at any time in your life because who ever talks about chinese mythology after communism banned fantasy
but i'd totally pun this if my relatives were capable of understanding puns
puns are the best tho, that's a big shame :C
theoretically i could make a joke on weibo, but nobody follows me on there....punning into the void
someone should open an restaurant "hundun huntun" ..... "primordial chaos wontons"
puns are beautiful and perfect and really my aunts are missing out
oooh that's a good one
and they can just sell a variety of wontons, i bet it would be yummy
tastes like chaos, ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS
you could use food coloring to make your wontons look like True Chaos
dessert wontons
what does true chaos look like, the contents of my stomach after eating all of those wontons
this is a wanton massacre of the ancient tradition of wontons
i don't even like wontons all that much but i'd eat chaos wontons for sure
queen (temp.)
how could they not appreciate puns!?
i once spent like ten minutes trying to explain to mama what a pun even was? it was tough
queen (temp.)
...I thought all Chinese people liked puns. it's coded into our language!! or is that only people from HK?
queen (temp.)
we have a foot massage parlour nearby called 知足
maybe it's just hong kong....all i know is my family is punless
queen (temp.)
maybe. I've seen so many puns in store namews