[ff7re] Word is that they put in the Honeybee Inn/crossdressing scene as-is, went "this feels weird and uncomfortable" and then updated it to be more "modern" in some as-of-yet unspecified way
which... could be good
(it's a helmet)
It's in the air. On one hand, being weird and uncomfortable was kind of the point, but on the other... yeah being sensitive to that is pretty important too
it would play differently in 2019 than it did in 1997
(it's a helmet)
most certainly
(it's a helmet)
especially in America, which has gone through a significant amount more social change than Japan has
from the same interview, the top priority on the Tifa remake design was giving her sick abs
(it's a helmet)
★ тяу-нαя∂уи
it seems like ff7re is hitting all the right notes, which of course makes me even MORE suspect
video games can't be good
owl time
I do hope that Miss Cloud is an alt costume
owl time
So I can think of this moment as Clouds trans awakening
owl time
Beat up Sephiroth while wearing a pretty dress
Ramases II
I have no problem with Cloud crossdressing, but the context of it as a means to trick a dude into letting him into his house so he can stab him is Real Bad
Ramases II
Even just disguising as a maid and sneaking in as staff would be fine
Ramases II
But we'll see where they go with it
it's not to stab him it's to get information. I think as long as they tone down the "Trap" jokes, they can still keep that part of the plot in
i mean the whole point of the plot is this guy is such a creep he basically brings women in and chooses to sleep with the hottest one
plus sorry I demand an intense minigame that lets me decide how good Cloud pulls off crossdressing
I am interested in seeing how it goes. I feel like that arc segment is iconic enough to be hard to completely drop, but absolutely in need of a very fresh take to be able to work.
Rabbit Crimes
...I’ve admittedly never played FF7 but I thought the crossdressing plot was part of a plan to rescue Tifa from some fucko who kidnapped her for his harem
Rabbit Crimes
Beyond that, yeah it sounds like the kind of thing that could work but needs to be handled very delicately
(Tifa was trying to sneak in to get information)
(If memory serves)
Rabbit Crimes
(quick wiki check confirms Tifa’s plan, I only had awareness of Cloud & Aerith’s mistaken impression of what was going on)
it also contains Aeris threatening to rip Corneo's balls off with her bare hands
Rabbit Crimes
...I love her
★ тяу-нαя∂уи
aerith is my retroactive life goals
also don't forget Aerith pushing a dude down a flight of stairs
Aeristh is awesome in the original game and the compilation invariably turns her into a pure angel with no flaws or traits
Honestly Tifa was way more of an angel than Aerith was
(And yet she also threatened to crush a man’s balls)
owl time
the three part triple threat
owl time
corneo brings in three hot ladies and they turn out to be revolutionary badasses
owl time
which is more of a problem than one of them usually not wearing a dress
owl time
i think corneo is more worried about cloud whipping out a sword and threatening to "chop 'em off" than anything else
yeah there admittedly is no real moment of "I'm so steamed that I was TRICKED by a FAKE WOMAN" so much as "oh god I let a terrorist cell into my bedroom"
They CAN handle it well. I believe it’s possible
I’m just worried that they won’t
Japan has an unfortunate love of goofy cross dressers
ye but Square also tends to have westerners in mind more than a lot of JRPGs do
I will remain Moderately Worried until the game is out and I've seen how it handles it
Ramases II
The compilation had an unfortunate reliance on pandering to Bad Fandom Takes
Ramases II
Like I understand that Advent Children only exists for fanservice, but
I feel firmly unqualified to say which way it falls
just that I know a trans girl who calls it the worst scene in FF7 and a trans girl who calls it the best scene in FF7
Love Snake Kaja
I liked it at the time but it could probably be handled better
(it's a helmet)
It was handled remarkably well for the state of gay culture in Japan in 1997. Take that how you will with how it would age in regards to LGBTQ+ culture in America in 2019