Perhaps Avengers: Endgame might be able to beat Avatar's massive box office record after all. The film has lost the majority of its momentum by now, almost two months after its initial release, but it's about to get another major boost to ticket sales. No, it's not just because Spider-Man: Far From Home is arriving in theaters in July.
Avengers: Endgame is hitting theaters for a second round, along with some additional footage that didn't make it into the official cut in April. 終局之戰即將要在戲院進行二次上映,增加了四月上映時所沒有的新片段。
While attending the Spider-Man: Far From Home press junket in London, Comic Book's Brandon Davis spoke exclusively with Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, who confirmed that Avengers: Endgame was heading back to the big screen for a theatrical re-release.
"We are doing that," Feige said of an Endgame re-release with new footage. "I don't know if it's been announced. And I don't know how much... Yeah, we're doing it next weekend." 「我們會這麼做,」Feige提及終局之戰的新片段,「我不知道消息公布了沒有,我也不知道多少...我們下周末會上映」
So Avengers: Endgame is coming back to a big screen near you with new footage, which is an incredibly exciting announcement given the hype around the movie. What's even more exciting is the fact that the film is arriving next weekend, allowing fans to see it again before Spider-Man: Far From Home.
In an interview with Screen Rant during the Spider-Man: Far From Home junket, Feige confirmed Endgame will be re-released on June 28. While it isn't an extended cut of the 3-hour epic, it will have extra surprises for people who stick around: 在採訪中,Feige證實終局之戰會在6月28日重新上映,這並不是三個小時的加長版,而是給留到最後的觀眾的一些驚喜:
Not an extended cut, but there will be a version going into theaters with a bit of a marketing push with a few new things at the end of the movie. If you stay and watch the movie, after the credits, there’ll be a deleted scene, a little tribute, and a few surprises. Which will be next weekend. 「不是加長版,如果你留下來把電影看到最後,在名單之後,會有刪減片段、一點致敬和一些驚喜,就在下個周末。」