Magicademy Mods
Hello, playerbase! We are looking for a volunteer character or characters to Have A Bad Time. There will be a little something something in it for you, though we know asking DWRPers to torture their characters is like asking gravity to keep up the good work.
lol it's true
I can spare one!
♠️ Aνεղէմɾἶղε
i'll volunteer yugi or lady!
Magicademy Mods
If you have more than one character, please specify which you'd like! (And please actually pick one, don't make us pick which we want to suffer more! We can't make that decision and sleep at night!)
Ok. Sunset then!
ƒąìղէ օƒ հҽąɾէʂ
Cliff can have a bad time, he's used to it.
♠️ Aνεղէմɾἶղε
yugi then!
Leans in.
Noa can have a bad time I suppose
He is sort of trying to track down a dragon in a cave so he probably has it coming
Wayward Haze
Discount Gligar
I volunteer as tribute o/ Huey of course, considering.. he's my only one now. XD
Monster Muffin
I volunteer Kuja
I'm up for having ANOTHER bad time. 8D 8D 8D
sadly El is just starting to rebuild himself or I'd be interested. he'll be among the first to try to help those Having a Bad Time though!
Wayward Haze
Dewey remains Support Staff During Bad Times while I acclimate and gather CR, because it's not as much pain fun when they're new
Oldest Dream
Nnn, choices. How about torturing Orisa?