Saria Says:
[Tech Recs] Putting this in replurkable form to reach out to peeps who may know: I'd like to talk about capture cards for video game recording/streaming
Saria Says:
I've heard a few brand recommendations, namely for Elgato, but long story short I'm not sure what particularly to look for; what specs, what terms to look for, etc.
Saria Says:
I have a lot of game consoles from several generations, from SNES to PS2 to Switch, and it's my hope to someday be able to stream games I'm playing on a semiregular basis just to have some company
Saria Says:
and from listening to other streamers talk about capture cards, namely ProtonJon, it sounds like you often need more than one card for a variety of consoles and their connectors?
Saria Says:
and that's not even getting into handhelds, which for something like 3DS it sounds like you need a special modified machine to use a capture card with?
Saria Says:
if anyone can offer advice (preferably in simple terms lol) or links, I'd appreciate it <3
back on the main account. I hope all this made sense lol
one more bump