Mad Larkin
An unending question: Why do I find Jared Harris so attractive?
Mad Larkin
there's just something so magnetic about him
Mad Larkin
oh God, he's adorable
Mad Larkin
and I forgot he was in Lost in Space (horrible film)
M. Gustave
I enjoy his willingness to be so bluntly salty about that.
Mad Larkin
me, too
idefk man. in still pictures I'm like yeah I guess but when I see him in anything I become immediately obsessed so it's a krisma thing, I suppose.
Mad Larkin
he's got wild amounts of charisma when he's acting or even just talking
Mad Larkin
I think it's like 90% how he carries himself
M. Gustave
Jeez they're so cute.
☢️Mrs. Harris☢️ on Twitter
Mad Larkin
that's adorable
this plurk is like. the state of my life tbh