Praise the Sun!
[ff14] random screens within (hw spoilers)
Praise the Sun!
Praise the Sun!
hanging' with da crew
Praise the Sun! raubahn fight was dooooooope
Praise the Sun!
and he did it all with one arm
Praise the Sun!
dude is hardcore as fuk
Praise the Sun! endgame.jpg
Praise the Sun! aftermath of said end game l o l
Praise the Sun!
bullying the big bad in a downed state..........
Praise the Sun! cool mmos don't look at explosions
Praise the Sun!
Praise the Sun!
should of had arms crossed during it tbh
Praise the Sun! also got to the bottom of seekrit treasure map on first try which is apparently a rarity in general?!
Praise the Sun!
made 150k outta that map......
Praise the Sun!
but yeah I finished HW proper... soon I'll get to be one of the cool kids with big huge hp
I couldn't believe it as we were going down it
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LMAO you got us bullying estinien
Praise the Sun!
been a good wekend of progress
proxy ⚡ another crew pic for the road...
yikes I look brooding in that pic
Praise the Sun!
I need to try gpose someday
Praise the Sun! cleared alexander late last night...
Praise the Sun! good times
Praise the Sun! and the big sad time ;_;
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Praise the Sun!
but I am now in SB territory and back to slow mount hell (send help)
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feelin it
Praise the Sun!
hopefully I can get gilgamesh fight done tonight so I can continue hildibrand...
Praise the Sun!
unlocked it as like 4 in the morning so nobody was doing trials then lmao!!
Praise the Sun!
especially not an optionial sidequest one lol
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yeahhh trying to do duty finder at stupid o'clock is suffering
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especially now with the data center split