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?] Well I'll try tags tonight but I might be slow, as a heads up |D Apparently I'm a frail old man who sprains his thumb putting laundry away
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This is the "aggravating a common injury" sort, sometimes the joint flares up and all so I'm fine, it's just
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Carrying a stack of shirts? Really, self? XD
Oh no, take it easy! <3
Thx everybody!
D: /gives ice
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:-( feel better soon!
What everyone else said, take it easy
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We do have an ice pack if I need it, but usually a day or two wearing my brace is what works best
I a♥D♥o♥r♥y♥m♥
Wayward Haze
you played an old man for too long! =P
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Maybe ;P Though that just makes me think of the time Scrooge pitched a fit for a "dumb old man injury" in one thread, after a simple fall broke his arm
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Okay I'm hitting back some things that require less typing than other stuff |D
тнυη∂єя кιттєη
don't feel too bad, I hurt my hand too and I don't know what I even did. So I am slow too. Hope you feel better soon! hugs
тнυη∂єя кιттєη
(it may have just been uh. gripping the steering wheel while driving. >.>)
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Oof, been there XD; Though what usually happens to me, steering wheel anyway, is an ache in my shoulders. for unknown injuries yeahh, though those are usually just "ghost bruises" for me
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"/sees some new dark spot on my hand/ When in the...."
тнυη∂єя кιттєη
Yuuup. "Why is the vein on the back of my hand raised...and discolored?" D:
тнυη∂єя кιттєη
"OW that hurts!"
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Man the other day I had a knot in my arm that was sore, and then the next day it was a visible bruise. I was like, "Ah."