Mad Larkin
Flood plotting for hats!
Mad Larkin
Not sure at all what Marty could swap
Mad Larkin
With Blanky, the easy thing would be his leg
Mad Larkin
I'm up for trading professions, time periods, ect
Mad Larkin
Urgh, I have no solid ideas, I just want to be involved
Mad Larkin
Mad Larkin
someone want to lose a leg or be trapped in the Arctic (maybe twice)
M. Gustave
hey want to have a piece of Harry's memories of Really Horrible Shit dropped on Blanky in exchange for ... something not quite as awful but still bad?
M. Gustave
Harry's been dithering about how and/or whether he should tell Blanky about the stuff that went down with Hickey and his crew and if you're interested in having his hand forced, the offer's there.
Mad Larkin
I'd be up for that
Mad Larkin
Blanky could give him a memory of living on Fury Beach during the Ross expedition, or something like that
M. Gustave
oh yeah, that would be interesting for Harry to see, actually.
M. Gustave
things going bad but not THAT BAD.
Mad Larkin
yeah, it's a disaster but not a "kill everyone and also there's cannibalism" disaster
I feel like Marty should either swap with someone with, like, 100000000000000% different life experiences, or someone who is much more comfortable with themselves than he is
Mad Larkin
that's what I was thinking, I'm just not really sure who to swap with
Mad Larkin
I commented to Kepler, that might be interesting
Mad Larkin
commented on the planning post, I mean