【英國】「現在就去做」氣候變遷委員會:英國必須為2050年設定零碳排目標 - 衛報頭版頭條
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別再給化石燃料津貼了 走向綠色吧 限制化石燃料 煤炭石油 環境政策 溫室效應 GHGs排放限制 二氧化碳排放 英國倫敦絕種叛軍示威抗爭 世代不正義
EMISSIONS: The U.K. will stop using coal power in 3 years
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The United Kingdom will end its use of coal-fired power by October 2024, a year earlier than scheduled, as it pushes other countries toward greater climate ambition ahead of a global warming summit it's hosting in November.