[replurk][no spoilers] The following are, supposedly, the best times to take a bathroom break during Endgame without missing anything important
1. When the "San Francisco" title card appears on screen
2. When the Hulk has lunch
3. When the "New Jersey" title card appears on screen
thank you quinn this is a godsend,
Princess Emily
what happened to having an intermission
oh i'm scary
yeah we just seriously fucking need to bring intermissions back
oh i'm scary
movies are getting longer and longer on average
oh i'm scary
and audiences are getting more and more accustomed to literally everything they watch outside of a movie theater having pause and rewind buttons
A Grinning DM
I forget which bigwig it was - some executive? - was asked why there were no intermissions, and he claimed there was no good spot for one which I immediately called bullshit on
Niamh Vibes
A Grinning DM
The movie is 3 hours long, there’s no way their isn’t a single lull in that whole thing
A Grinning DM
Also, it’s nearly impossible to make a major motion picture without using the 3 act structure so I’m sure End Game has that too, meaning at least two good spots for an intermission.
Dr. Yubsie
My mom's bathroom break of choice is "during the battles"
Dr. Yubsie
I suspect she would have her choice of moments in this movie :-P
A Grinning DM
Also, thank you for posting this
Rabbit Crimes
honestly, the dumbest thing about "no good spot for intermissions" is that it is in fact perfectly possible to make good spots when writing the script
Rabbit Crimes
hell, intermissions would be good vehicles for building tension
oh i'm scary
right? fucking TV writers have been incorporating commercial breaks into pacing for 6000 years, it's an entire art form
Dr. Yubsie
Right? LIke musicals have putting the intermission right where shit is about to get REAL down to an art
also in the modern world, like
intermission becomes your "everyone tweets frantically about the movie" break
it's free hype
Rabbit Crimes
plus movie theaters would probably be happy to hype the hell out of movies with intermissions in them
Rabbit Crimes
that's free extra chances for people to get refills or purchase fresh snacks, theaters would love the fuck out of that
movies should not be a stamina event
Princess Emily
I've seen movie theater management day intermissions are Bad because it makes the movies take slightly longer and they can't schedule as much or something
oh i'm scary
oh i'm scary
so are three hour movies
oh i'm scary
I was gonna say five minutes would be plenty but if it's everybody's bathroom break there'd be, like, lines,
Princess Emily
yeah they're usually like 10-15?
Princess Emily
but still
Princess Emily
ppl need to pee
also theaters make more money off people having to buy tickets to watch again for whatever part they missed while in the bathroom
or rather, Hollywood makes bank on that, since theaters only get a tiny cut off ticket prices