i'm trying to use the gmail method of checking my tags and argh i keep losing track of tags that way
Are you using labels?
sort of? i have them in my social tab. the problem is i have a bad habit of reading the e-mails in advance and then forgetting to actually reply to them
ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀᴄᴋᴜᴘ 🤖
oh, I read them all immediately, I just delete them once I've replied
Yeah, I archive them once I've replied
I'd definitely recommend auto sorting into labels though
That helps a lot for me
deleting them! that's a great idea, i didn't think of that
i'll try auto sorting them :-) thank you
i just archive them once im done with them, then theyre no longer in my inbox and theyre not entirely deleted
and anything i havent replied to yet i left marked as unread as well. so i kind of have my read inbox as "other emails im not done with unrelated to rp" and my unread inbox as "owed tags"?? its not. the best way most likely but its what i do
ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀᴄᴋᴜᴘ 🤖
oh, yeah, my rp email is essentially only an rp email, so there's never any need to keep read emails that aren't unanswered tags, that makes it easier
i cant use multiple emails or id forget to check my regular one so i just. have my "real" email auto forward to my rp email
i pretty much use my main e-mail exclusively for RP notifications so it makes no difference to me lol