Sunflowers, hollyhocks, and something pretty that I don’t know what it is in English but it’s pretty and attracts butterflies and bees. Plus it’s purple. LOL
Sunflowers and hollyhocks were my mom’s favorite flowers. Yak’s favorite is also hollyhocks (stokrooses). I love sunflowers. Like my mom said they’re like little smiling faces shining over a garden and the go to sleep at night.
: thank you friend. I really enjoy the green and water here after so many years living in the desert. Mind you desert plants are gorgeous too. They have their own unique beauty but I love the lush green.
It makes my garden a bit disappointing to me with all the tiles but if it was anything else it would be too much for me to manage. This is already on the edge for me. I really wish Yak would help more with the yard maintenance.
: physically he’s doing ok but now comes the emotional toll plus the meds are fucking with his mind. We’re managing. This year we might even have a vacation just not sure where or when.
Mind you desert plants are gorgeous too. They have their own unique beauty but I love the lush green.
We’re managing. This year we might even have a vacation just not sure where or when.