https://images.plurk.com/59VT6nebGNWb5xZQKvWVfJ.jpg https://images.plurk.com/35ZIkG5NuHi56LRvmyhqnM.jpg https://images.plurk.com/4KBSwkcT3CdxGcUcntUFJf.jpg https://images.plurk.com/7n1aQ8AoCFKsWKKxqiUfq0.jpg https://images.plurk.com/6TKTgdiAgoMU3T1XTvNgkF.jpg

Kepatihan Complex.

Only open to public during Open House after Ramadan to meet the Sultan, or other official events.

🚏 Bangsal Kepatihan, Governor of DIY Official Office Complex.
It's formerly the office of Prime Minister of Yogyakarta for hundreds of years, also known as Pepatih Dalem, the last position was held by Patih Danurejo VIII.
After the invasion of the Great Japanese Empire, the office of Pepatih Dalem was abolished by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and then used as the office of Governor of DIY after joining the Republic. (hungry)