Corpse Sniffer
i like spending my lumch break trying not to cry bc i keep fucking up so many things at work im afraid they'll like fire me, even if i havent been here a month
Corpse Sniffer
i know i should be doing so many things better and not sayong some thomgs oit loud and npt asjing so many questiins but likw
Corpse Sniffer
half of the time ive been here has been watching those stupid training vids which taught me bothing and i just
Corpse Sniffer
pharmacist today said i shouldlearn all the generic and brand names od drugs
Corpse Sniffer
but like withcwhat time
Corpse Sniffer
i onlu have off on the weekends and i visit ppl
Corpse Sniffer
tho probably im not allowed to have free time
Corpse Sniffer
i just
Corpse Sniffer
its so busy in there most of the time that i never fucking got properlt trained
Corpse Sniffer
im literally jusr an idiot stumblimg around the pharmacy fucking everything up because i domt know how to do them
Corpse Sniffer
what the hell do they expect i DONT know how to do anything
Corpse Sniffer
half the tume i do i run across a question i dont knowc so i still need to ask and i always like seeing ppl get that annoyed look in thier eye
Corpse Sniffer
i dont knoe what the fuck they want frpm me
Corpse Sniffer
they are like stay in the fromt and so these things eith inventory and clearing out stuff, bit also answer phone calls, serve patients both in store and theoguh drive thru and also make sure things are filed away and also if you have time work on typing as a tech
Corpse Sniffer
guess what most of my time instead gets eatwn by
Corpse Sniffer
serving every single goddamn customer. ive been the main guy at the drive thru for 3 days now
Corpse Sniffer
putting me up front isnt even fucking teaching me anything i dont already know how to do!
Corpse Sniffer
am i just here to be asecretary i guess, hell i didnt even know we had achecklist of things to do
Corpse Sniffer
because no one
Corpse Sniffer
Corpse Sniffer
Told me
Corpse Sniffer
it took me this long to learn the basics of navigating this computer you think id remember the names of drugs
Corpse Sniffer
god it doesnt help in the middle of my buddy showing me how to do something a customer shows up and i go deal with them and they just finish that
Oh mannn. :-(
Corpse Sniffer
i wish they would explain to me more what they were doing so im not frantically putting it together and crying when i inevitably get it wromv
Yeah that's fucking crazy that you're not getting more support
Corpse Sniffer
its like im new but im technically out of training so just fuck me i guess
Corpse Sniffer
and even when i do ask everyone elsr is alwayals, ALWAYS busy
Corpse Sniffer
esp when a customer wants an answer and im like sorry literally everyone more experienced is doing somethinf else
Corpse Sniffer
im pretty much just thier secretary right now while they do all the actual pharmacy shot
asdf yeah it's.. hard when you're rand new :-(
I can probably help you figure out how to learn some things
Like where to source info and shit at least for the drugs part
Corpse Sniffer
that i just need repitition pra tice but its all the confusonh contacting insureance and dpctors bit
Corpse Sniffer
i habe to go back now hopefull its not obviuos ive been crying
;; Ah damn. I hope the rest of your shift goes better