Molang - Flash Mob | Full Molang episodes - Cartoon ...
ISTG, there's just something about the animation style for Molang and Piu Piu that makes me so happy I want to cry and laugh at the same time! I wish I could figure out what it was, so I could use it in my art!
I think it's a combination of their entire world being Round and Friend-Shaped, everything being pastel with slightly-less pastel lines instead of black lines, everything being just so sweet and friendly, and something about it reminding me of baby stuff from the 1980's, when I was a bitty and my world was nothing but my Mom and bright, soft colors and
Maybe also them speaking in gibberish that I can't understand in a literal sense, but I can understand in a body-language sense. The way adults say big, strange words that babies can't understand, but somehow we instinctively knew the intent behind what was said.
Though I have to say, their gibberish actually has words to it. If you watch it enough, you can tell that the creators made at least part of their vocabulary into a conlang. The same words are used for thank you or happy birthday, etc. Which makes it even more adorable, when you start being able to understand it.
Maybe it also has to do with the way they act like children pretending to be adults, the way we did as kids. And their world is sweet enough that that's all they have to do, they don't need to be adults.
It honestly just seems to get the feeling of "babies playing make-believe" across better then most kids' shows, which could also be because of the gibberish. They don't say things that we understand, so they don't have the stilted, awkward language that happens with a lot of kids' shows. The type where you can tell that an adult is trying to write
childlike dialogue, and failing miserably at it.