Good morning, quick updates as to where I've been, what I've been doing, who I've been seeing
So since last Saturday I've been in NY visiting my mom. We were supposed to have helped her pack up this week but I had thrown my back out really, really bad the day before and spent the next five days unable to move without pain
Basically drugged out of my mind on increasingly high dosages of Tylonel and ibuprofin
فك يو
oh gosh, i hope you're feeling better now
By Thursday I was up and aware again and no ill effects except I have like 0 appetite and think I lost like 10 pounds
Oh yeah I'm excellent
Thanks for asking. :3
Yesterday I drove over to Montefiore cemetery for probably the last time with my mom. We snuck some of Dad's remains in and visited the family and spread his ashes over the graves of his grandfather, uncle, and aunts
We also went into the city last Saturday to see a play that had Nathan Lane starring in it and was written by Taylor Mac and sadly it suuuucked but I was excited to see him live for the first time
Sergio and my mom stayed up until like 2am most nights as she taught him music theory and piano
For the first half of the week I'd been in grad school hell. I was scared out of my mind that I wasn't going to be able to hack it after the first crap grade I got (79) and I need an 85 in total to pass. So I studied and studied and came out with the second grade at a 94
Bringing my average up to an 86.7 and there it needs to stay dammit.
We introduced Mom to the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and she loved it so that's a plus. We binged the entire first season together
Last night one of mom's neighbors dropped off a ton of clothes that all fit either me or my mom so we got to go through them today
anyway all this to say that is why people are getting back tagged at an alarming rate
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glad you’re feeling better!! <33
no mortal blade
V glad you’re doing better pal ❤️
<3 thanks guys I am too
glad you feel better