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okay so on tuesday, my grandma had to go to the hopital via ambulance because she was vomiting and stomach issues and dizzy and weakness --
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she stayed there overnight, got disagnosed with a virus of some kind and a uti
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she's here now and both my mom and i are just like ?????
she's obviously not doing well enough, she can barely stand for more than a few seconds and fell out her chair last night
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like.... they really thought she was well enough to come home?? having trouble staying awake or sitting and all that
festive froda
most likely they had to send her home because medicare has very particular rules about hospitalizations unfortunately, it sucks
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it puts a lot of fucking stress on my mom to have to take care of her, i had to watch her while she was at work and let me tell u uuhhh that was not fun
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yea well it'll be on them if something happens because they discharged her too quickly
you could always try a different hospital. i know around my area, we have our share of decent and terrible ones to go to
festive froda
I feel you on the stress, it's rough.
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yea i think she can only go to this one
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like the one she likes is the one closer to her but i think her insurance works at the other one - the one she went to
or something
StupidSexyVโš der
yeah that tends to be an insurance thing tbh
festive froda
yes, that depends on insurance
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insurance thing or not its bullshit and feels ... bad
StupidSexyVโš der
you're not wrong
festive froda
yes, it is. healthcare is broken in this country.
ugh i'm so sorry you have to go through this. insurance is a joke here.
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so my mom signed up to her caretaker and to get paid for it - like 300 a month
and then like 2 months ago her insurance changed so they'd charge her like 700$ a month.... so she had to "quit"
i hope for a speedy recovery for her, and for things to be oky for you and your mom, too. i know the stress of this well.
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she's 80 and diabetic but has been in mostly good health otherwise
how stressful :-( poor grma, and poor u n ma for the extra concern and work
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and people say our health care system is fine
i love how when you bring up universal healthcare in other places, the immediate "rebuttal" is the "long wait times."
but everyone i've talked to about it has said that sometimes, yeah, it happens, but generally speaking, it doesn't
besides IT'S FREE
That's really scary. I'm sorry this happening to you and your family.
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and honestly long wait time is better than like..... not getting any help at all?? being turned away cause "that procedure isn't covered" or having to pay 10, 000$ for a one day stay in a hospital
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shit i tried to see an urgent care clinic this summer and they wouldnt take me despite the fact that i was in pain because i didnt have the right insurance
YEAH exactly