To provide support to the Muslim community in Ireland after the terrible events in New Zealand, community Gardaí will be attending Friday prayer in their local mosque and making themselves available to those communities.
Antisemitic screed says 19-year-old was motivated by New Zealand mosque massacres and Pittsburgh synagogue shooting. 美國聖地牙哥掃射公開信猶太人種族歧視反閃情節紐西蘭基督城清真寺恐攻 via
仇恨犯罪 恐伊斯蘭症候群 恐怖分子 恐怖攻擊 種族歧視 回教
標題更新:Islamophobia is practically enshrined as public policy in Australia
稍早標題:New Zealand mosque attack: alleged gunman bought four firearms online
線上購買軍五 印尼 傳喚澳洲大使
美國 聖地牙哥 掃射 公開信 猶太人 種族歧視 反閃情節 紐西蘭基督城清真寺恐攻