Q: Obviously mosques are closed and synagogues should close, is that true?
I’m not aware that have advice, but we’re giving everyone advice to be very vigilant and take care of yourselves and report anything that you might find suspicious so we can respond immediately. 截自Guardian,從這邊來看警方只是建議人民保持警戒照顧自己,並且通報任何看似可疑的狀況所以警察可以快速反應。並沒有直接建議關閉清真寺(當然新聞消息也是會有誤)
今日稍早,紐西蘭基督城兩處清真寺Al Noor和Linwood Masjid發生嚴重槍擊案,造成至少 40人死亡,紐西蘭總理阿爾登(Jacinda Ardern)直稱這是一起恐怖攻擊事件,也說這是紐西蘭「最黑暗的日子」。
I’m not aware that have advice, but we’re giving everyone advice to be very vigilant and take care of yourselves and report anything that you might find suspicious so we can respond immediately.