Our new little betta fish friend built a bubble nest overnight which I am reading means he feels safe and happy 😭
I think.... >_>
just corvi
make sure you have a screen or something over the top of your tank. Those lil suckers like to jump.
just corvi
I swear the one I had in college was suicidal he jumped out so many times
just corvi : yes! My cousin had one a long time ago in a fish bowl by her desk and the thing jumped out while she was in class and she found him dried up when she got home :-(
this last story made me drunk-cry
Mochi : he's ready for some lovin ha ha! he wants to become an egg hoarder! our bettas haven't built any nests for a while. I think they finally realize that they're not gonna get any
Yep safe and happy! Also so cute!