Mutants In the Night by DC

Axe Goth Real?
I read a really cool Blades in the Dark hack I was gifted by a friend recently and I don't feel comfortable reviewing it because, while it was super good it was very much Not For People Like Me.

Axe Goth Real?
The general premise: in the 2030s something weird happened and a huge chunk of the population underwent mutation X-Men style.

Axe Goth Real?
It's set in 2044 and mutants have been stripped of a majority of their legal personhood and are now forced to live in walled-off neighborhoods by humanity. The game is about a group of people who have superhuman powers in their mutations doing what they can to make their community better through a variety of different methods.

Axe Goth Real?
It's different from other BitD hacks (which apparently are now all Forged in the Dark like how Apocalypse Engine games are all Powered by the Apocalypse) in that you're not expanding your territory, you're instead working with the various locations that make it up.

Axe Goth Real?
When I say that it is Not For People Like Me I mean that as a cishet white dude I can recognize the game is incredibly well-made and creators like DC/Dungeoncommandr need to be more openly supported, but it very much leans into the feelings of isolation and dealing with a society that hates you that comes from their lived experiences.

Axe Goth Real?
It's 20 bucks and I highly recommend it even if that pricetag keeps getting complained about.