Zigzag Stampede
[Work] I was excited for an easy work day last night. Had a big project to do that freezes up the computer for 20 minutes at a time, but nope... Instead the call centre went down briefly and someone was sick so I got to use two computers at the same time. Lucky me
Zigzag Stampede
I hate it when people tap at my shoulder to tell me the call centre is down whole I'm talking to our phone provider to fix the issue. You're not a manager. Why are you intrupting my call?
Zigzag Stampede
Probably because I'm not usually that type of person who's like USE THE PROPER CHANNELS!
Zigzag Stampede
But when I'm on the phone I really don't need 5 different people come up tapping me to tell me the phone lines are crackling.
Zigzag Stampede
But! It wasn't 100% down so I didn't have the owners of the company screaming in my ear and it was fixed within 15 minutes so boom!
Zigzag Stampede
And getting to see Captain Marvel after work so my day is still going pretty well
Zigzag Stampede
Ooooooooooh I jinxed myself
Zigzag Stampede
I have so much hate for the iPhone X 256GB that has nothing to do with the phone itself it's comical
Zigzag Stampede
This phone... THIS PHONE... bane of my existence
Zigzag Stampede
Was told for 2 weeks in January while we had a temporary short to upgrade customers to the XS even after I pointed out it was $85+ more expensive I was told to do it as anyway as stock was due in soon
Zigzag Stampede
So now this month I'm being questioned why we spent so much more in Jan that we did in Feb. MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE WE ORDERD ABOUT 1,000 PHONES WHICH EQUATES TO ABOUT AN EXTRA 85,000
Zigzag Stampede
And of course no one remembers telling me to give the ok for us to do this. All they see is the 85,000. I knew I should have gotten someone to email me the confirmation but I thought nooooooo we've done upgrades on popular phones before when it's been an extra 100+ per phone. It will be fiiiiiine
Zigzag Stampede
Just ugghhhhhh
Zigzag Stampede
Because you can't just say: but company owner! You asked me to do this! Because then you're "not taking responsibility"
Zigzag Stampede