queer power
oh boy does my left side feel stiff today

queer power
yesterday I helped my dad lay our big-ass heavy fridge down on the floor ... and then I worked out that evening, so I definitely overdid it

queer power
he's still fixing the fridge too, there's a coolant leak we're been dealing with for a couple of months that dad's managed to hunt down and start repairing

queer power
I am a little concerned about all our food, which is currently being as insulated as possible in our washing machine and in sinks in the laundry room... but we didn't have a lot of food bought right now anyway

queer power
we always run a bit low at the end of the month, so it was the ideal time to stop and fix the damn thing, but.... my mini pizzas

queer power
if he can't fix it by today he did say he'd buy a mini fridge to try to preserve the last of our food, and my little sibs are already arguing over who should get to use it afterward rofl

queer power
anyway I'm keeping my ass planted at my computer with a heating pad for today