Good Morning New Angeles!
A riot broke out on the field of Blue Sun stadium last night due to issues which occurred during the live Miranda Rhapsody concert. The concert had to be cut short due to an unforeseen malfunction with one of the pyrotechnics on the main stage. Several dancers were injured and it was unclear what had happened to Miss Rhapsody in the small explosion.
The crowd waited for at least 10 minutes, demanding to know if the solar system's most famous singer/dancer/sensie star was injured or not. While a networked message claiming to be from Miranda saying everything was fine and that she was just shaken up was distributed to the PADs of all those in the audience, that did not seem to mollify the concertgoers.
No serious injuries were reported and only slight damage to the stadium occurred as the disappointed attendees were herded out by security. Miss Rhapsody was reportedly taken to a Harmony Medtech hospital in Leguna Velasco District for observation. NBN has reported she suffered only minor injuries and that they expect her to make a full recovery.