Kin 87 是帕卡爾·沃坦Pacal Votan墓的銘文上第5個清晰的印記。 太陽的藍手代表內在蛻變和療癒的知識。藍手的觸碰能帶來光和溫暖,且它能夠轉化黑暗。今天是療癒自己和他人的好日子。無條件地付出,將帶來獲得療癒。藍風暴波蘊含著強大的治癒力量,這就是為什麼許多療癒師都誕生在這個波符。 _ Ana Zikic
BLUE SOLAR HAND I pulse in order to know Realizing healing I seal the store of accomplishment With the solar tone of intention I am guided by the power of abundance
Often in the shadow of Red Earth, you may feel "out of sync" with the world around you. If you feel physically, mentally, or emotionally "off," remember that you may actually be in a process of realignment. Allow for synchronization with the new, expanding pattern.
_ Ana Zikic
I pulse in order to know
Realizing healing
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the solar tone of intention
I am guided by the power of abundance
White Wizard is your Subconscious Self and Hidden Helper.