[plurk]quick css question guys, I want to add a drop shadow to my plurks, can I do this and how?
E.S. Levi
I know CSS does drop shadows, but I don't remember how.
Horny on Main
You mean like the box or?
Yes! And the replies if possible, for consistency. I know they’re two different objects
Horny on Main
K lemme pull out the dev tool
Horny on Main
Okay I think I figured out
Horny on Main
add this CSS
Horny on Main
.plurk_cnt {
box-shadow: 0 4px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
Horny on Main
You can play with the values, let me get the key
Horny on Main
box-shadow: h-offset v-offset blur spread color;
Horny on Main
rgba is (red, green, blue, alpha)
Horny on Main
for alpha, 0 is 0% visible and 1 is 100% visible
Horny on Main
0.5 is 50% visible
Horny on Main
you can just put .5
Thank you so much Nyx! I’ll put it in when I get back on desktop plurk :-D
Oh wow, it's exactly what I hoped for!
Thanks again! I knowledge of anything like this so holy shit, so appreciated
Horny on Main
My pleasure! I love CSS :-D