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character se - okay is there anyone who doesn't know all the dirty details of Jedao's raging sex drama at this point
...Newt's poor little 1920s self just assumes he and Fives are a thing and that's it.
Yeah, I mean, if in character counts, Bodhi's happily clueless
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awww, Newt
thot crimes
Stanford Pines has No Idea 8D
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IF DESCRIBING HIMSELF, first Jedao would say "yes" and then after being scolded for several more predictable jokes in that vein, would say he's into dark, jacked tanks with killer shoulders (in which he awkwardly squirms around using the word 'soldier') and tall pale nerds, and that he's kinky and switchy with a particular fondness for bondage
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and then only thirdly, and possibly only with prompting, get around to adding "mostly dudes"
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he'd be far more likely to apply numbers to his kinkiness than his "straight/gayness" which aren't terms that will ever be really natural for him
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but he might say fairly comfortable that he's somewhere around 60/40 sub vs dom
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he's not precisely demi-with-ladies, he can definitely have sudden/shallow/instant attraction to women, but 1) it's much rarer, and 2) women
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or at least interestingly androgynous if they're in the Tall Nerd category
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(I headcanon that Yeren was in the Androgynous Elegant Nerd category, who was his canonical HS girlfriend before he dumped her to angst about his dead gay HS first love/BFF)
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and he can be in love with women - I headcanon that he was suuuper in love with his Chief of Staff Kel Gized, who was a big bruiser with a facial scar and a great laugh who would call him on his bullshit
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and he never did anything about it obviously because chain of command but still
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on the other hand, at least 80% of the time if a dude is walking by Jedao will notice something to be attracted to
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just a total hound dog about it
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even when it sounds like not terribly sexual things???
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like. eyelashes. and yet
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he's trauma-repulsed by High Femme but trauma-repulsed combined with stockholm syndrome-inflected attraction to Dudes Presenting High Femme, which can be....complicated, for him
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so that's all fun
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he's in the process of detangling his general Tall Nerd Lust from said stockholm syndrome that he's got memories of years of sex slavery and torture back, so, that's going well
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and also maybe dealing with the stockholm lust as its own thing >_> that doesn't have to involved being helpless with a total psychopath
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Kahl's sexuality: probably exists
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and definitely doesn't give a fuck about gender. or like, species, he is an amorphous god whose true nature is a cross between an angry cat and a whirlpool
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and probably involves lots of mommy issues somehow
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hovertext over the icons for Character Name/Fandom
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(most are book characters so)
I'm laughing at your comment on Kahl's sexuality, because of my thoughts on Nokov: so weird and not quite metaphorical and vaguely alien. but with mommy issues somehow
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HTK gods are.....less weird and metaphorical than DC gods but Kahl hasn't figured that out yet, so
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or at least they're not just weird and metaphorical. might be more accurate
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witness Nahadoth's shadow, whose sexuality is: Top. Sadist. Best you've ever had, unless he killed you accidentally. (he's gotten better about that)
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Hado/Glee is a top/top relationship with a lot of negotiating
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(love takes compromise)
Nokov is so weird and metaphorical, and so unaware. 'my true being is the construct of a feeling of people towards a certain thing'... 'i don't know what mom meant about '''influences''''
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Dogma's sexuality is repressed.
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....okay no joking aside repression isn't really quite the word
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because he lacks the, mm. self-deception I associate with repression
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but something more like ascetic self-denial
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Dogma would get along weirdly well with some catholic saints, is what I'm saying
yeah, that's believable XD
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there's a very "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"/"nothing fucks as good as pride self-control feels"
hmmm, Gestalt and Tik-Tok too, b/c why not
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kinda vibe to it
which doubtless just makes his brothers side-eye him even more
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he a snob, it's true
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a snob with wacko priorities
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BUT in short I think he has not allowed himself to explore his own erotic imagination or responses much at all beyond sitting around feeling righteous, and faintly indignant when brothers do literally accuse him of getting off on being a prig lmao
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but he couldn't avoid knowing about sex, at least in the ways it occurs on Kamino and in the GAR, no matter how much eye-averting he's done
nooope, that he doubtless could not
they may keep it under the radar for everyone not them, but... even if he's a PITA he's them
no one's shielding anything from his delicate eyes
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I think ( Fives?? like many clones???) he's definitely attracted to gentleness
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like Fives, to Tup
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I think that he would think/will think, at some point in his development, that like....he should only be attracted to brothers?
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like, trying to create a normativity to abide by out of whole cloth, and everyone is like, why
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why are you making more rules - oh right, it's dogma
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but that feels safe
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I think aliens and probably even women would always be a little too strange for him to get over it but obviously he comes around on J2
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(Jedaos everywhere making poor boys question their sexualities: the legend, the legacy)
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and as we've discussed I think he does eventually shake out pretty rigidly dominant for control-and-precision and such reasons
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okay gonna do Tik-Tok next bc he's a little easier (comparitively)
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Tik-Tok is........not exactly an unreliable narrator but, I think, a deliberately uninformative narrator when it comes to sexuality
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he has an encounter which...
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CW for complicated non-dubcon talk
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and non healthy thought processes/coping
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there's a scene where a women drags him into a closet at a party and they fuck
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and the books are first person Tik-Tok's POV, but that scene and immediately subsequent ones are written with this. like...complete lack of interiority
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just no acknowledgement in the narration that he has any thoughts or feelings about this happening whatsoever
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it happened, moving on
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bear in mind, despite being a literal robot, Tik-Tok wants to give grandiose wicked speeches about his choices and desires and freedom (to be eeeevil) like allllll the time
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so it's an anomaly
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and there's technical force? the woman isn't his owner or anything like that
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but it's very early days in Tik-Tok's weird celebrity status as "that weird robot who can do art!" which he leverages eventually into a lot of personal agency and opportunity
yeah, all of the above definitely makes sense for Dogma, poor bb
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but robots are supposed to have to obey human orders, even though Tik-Tok doesn't
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but he has to keep up the charade that his asimov circuits work and he's not, you know, a secret serial killer
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so she tells him to fuck her and he does it
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and promptly never deals with it ever again
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BUT later a kinky punk college girl who is in this "Rights for Robots" group puts the moves on him - with every attempt at concern for consent
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and he takes her up on it, brings her home, ties her up, and then plans to shove her into the trunk of a car and take her somewhere and dismember her
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partly because he is, as mentioned, a horrible serial killer
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but also I think a little bit in revenge for that woman long ago
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AND THEN SEPARATELY, there is Gumdrop
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Gumdrop is his robot wife
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he and Gumdrop were both sex-equipped at the same time so that the rowdy young son of their plantation could play the "prank" of triggering them to fuck like crazy, film it, and then make them get robot married for spectacle for all his friends
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this is obviously super fucked up and humiliating, but he maintains an enduring affection for Gumdrop long after he is otherwise a hateful cretin to everyone else (Gumdrop's sudden reappearance in his life actually saves the poor college girl)
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(it doesn't last but he does think it)
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aaaaaaaaall of which is to say: Tik-Tok has literally never had a fully consensual experience, because slavery is the worst
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and I think he is actively repulsed people
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but actually deep down in the best of all possible worlds has a very conventional sort of want-to-settle-down-with-The-One Western Heterosexuality
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of which he is himself slightly a satire (in terms of how Gumdrop is a failed morality chain) just as everything else in the book is a satire
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this doesn't mean he wouldn't fuck meat people if it sufficiently fueled one of his nefarious plans, or that he'd fuss much if he couldn't get out of it
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he'd just. hate it, and not deal with hating it. because vulnerability is for chumps/
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not Nietschean heroes gonna nuke the world
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suck on that copper-plated ballsack, shitbellies
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poor homicidal maniac
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he's much more interested in power and cruelty than sex
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but part of him still has this very tarnished white-picket-fence dream kicked under the sofa somewhere
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Gestalt is....differently fucked up
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his stumbling block is intimacy instead of consent
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which is to say he's literally never experienced any and doesn't know he needs it
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(so, the parallels are there)
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people react to Gestalt like he's four different people playing a trick, instead of one whole person, and it's profoundly alienating
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like if people were always trying to talk to your right and left hands instead of to your face
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uhhhhhh CW upcoming for....anatomical but not psychological incest?
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so anyway Gestalt thinks his sexuality is "I am the ubermensch, obviously fucking myself is superior, other people probably only fuck each other instead of masturbating because they are sad bastards who lack the physical capacity to give themselves blowjobs"
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"I am so hot and not lonely at all"
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in terms of attraction he's also kind, loftily thinks of himself as ~above~ that because he can tell if he's only attracted from one of his bodies
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and so he thinks of himself as having....more intellectual choice in the matter of who or what he's really turned on by, than he actually has
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because he's still ultimately the sum of those bodies and brains
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although I think he's roughly fairly pan
... is he actually different in significant ways between bodies, then?
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the Checquy see a lot of nonstandard bodies
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WELL, I'm sure how much exactly, but we do know canonically that, for example, the Eliza body had post-pardum depression
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and the rest of him didn't
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obviously????? (which: weird as hell. and depersonalizing from the inside. What if you could avoid depression by tourniqueting one of your arms and never using it?)
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but yeah I think it's sort of a muddle in terms of like...point-source gonad-attractions and distributed-source psychological attractions and they all kind of slosh around in between the bodies
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he's attracted to danger and badassery
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and probably leans more toward women than men
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despite being 3-1 when doing self-fucking orgies lmao
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but literally that's all masturbation it doesn't function the same way you know
... he had a baby in the female body?
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some of the het leanings are just....being 3/4 dude, and also being immersed in military culture for 20ish years
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but yeah Mystique would kind of be his dream girl lmao
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(if ANYONE could understand that number of faces=/= person)
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anyway spoilers YES HE DID HAVE HIS OWN BABY, and it gets grosser, he is his own baby
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if he'd managed to have a girl baby and also not got caught for treason and tortured slowly in separate prisons forever, etc etc, his plan would have been to be immortal by continuous self-breeding
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there's a whole bit where the MC realizes the slightly creepy toddler she is holding is ACTUALLY HER ARCH ENEMY and lots of shit hits the fan
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dunadaness for....reasons lmao, sorry if you didnt want to wade through all that shit with my horrible book characters but RELEVANT TO YOUR BABE
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start at "Gestalt is....differently fucked up" for the relevant part