☆ Starboy ☆
I got your package! thank you so much!
hooray it arrived!!
☆ Starboy ☆
safe and sound!
☆ Starboy ☆
I haven't tried the timtams yet but they look like they're gonna be wild
only the special tim tams get sent out!
☆ Starboy ☆
I can't wait
☆ Starboy ☆
the card was sweet too, I hadn't had breakfast yet when I read it so it made me cry
awwwww oh nooo... your packages arrive early in the day then!
☆ Starboy ☆
they did! well, partly they arrived early and partly I get up late, so it was a one-two punch
but now you has treats so all is well! just in time for Christmas!
☆ Starboy ☆
an Australian Christmas miracle (◡‿◡ )
haha sending out packages of tim tams at this time is scary coz of the australian heat so I'm glad they didn't come to you as a reconstituted chocolate puddle
☆ Starboy ☆
yeah, I saw the truffles got a little smushed on the way, but there's been lots of cool weather on this side of the planet so it's all good
it balances out! So all is good!
☆ Starboy ☆
all is good!