we dont do chanukkah properly anymore but i like to do something nice for him so he knows he's not forgotten and it's usually a food and he's like "nOT THIS YEAR PLS"
my dad's side is full russian jewish. but it's more of a cultural thing tbh. my parents made sure we were exposed to that culture to some extent and im kind of the only one that makes an effort to keep it going
I was exposed to it not through my family but because my best friend was Jewish, and I was always invited to take part in Sabbath dinner and her family was very willing to answer all my nosy nine year old questions
Now that my dad's sister is retired, she's been looking more into her dad's family because he cut himself off from them and we really know nothing? It's been her pet project. I say good for her, if that's what she wants to do
- Being a Russian Jew during WWII wasn't great
- to marry my Irish Protestant grandmother