boodle boy
My boss kinda giving me shade about takin the Saturday off after Thanksgiving has me both feeling guilty and also annoyed
boodle boy
She still gave it to me
boodle boy
so there's that
boodle boy
boodle boy
But also I've spent 4 years of Thanksgiving and Christmas in Boston just to be here for every damn day surrounding both holidays
boodle boy
Everyone else has family around here so it kind of annoys me when they dont acknowledge that
boodle boy
My mom really wants me to get thanksgiving off next year because they rented a cabin in the smoky mountains
boodle boy
And I'm like.....genuinely not sure if i can get it off if I'm still here?
boodle boy
It's really frustrating
boodle boy
Thanksgiving has been okay because usually there are friends in the city to celebrate with
boodle boy
And it was never that big of a family thing for me
luxury meats
i'm holding out hope for you because after FIVE YEARS you should be able to get a holiday off, that's ridiculous
boodle boy